Your Key to Success is to Retain the “A”

Health Inspections are a Restaurant’s Worst Nightmare.

Let’s just say it. For restaurant owners, health inspections are an inconvenience at best and a major cause of stress at worst. When you start thinking about your upcoming health inspection, the main worry is that something will go wrong and lead to not retaining your “A” grade. Without the proper systems in place to stay on top of your health inspections, it can seem daunting to have to be prepared for a yearly, random judgement.

You Are Your Biggest Obstacle to Retaining Your “A”.

We all know that health inspections are key to the success of your business. It’s normal to think about your health inspections with a sense of dread. In reality, however, health inspections aren’t meant to be stressful. Simply put, health inspections are just a way of making sure that your staff and your customers are safe while working and eating within the restaurant. Obviously, this should already be the top priority. It should be the standard you are maintaining on a daily basis. As we all know, the restaurant life is stressful. And sometimes little things fall to the wayside. If you allow the little things to pile up in a way that is detrimental to the health and safety of your restaurant, it makes it that much harder to retain your “A” at your next inspection.

What Happens if You Don’t Retain Your “A”?

Think about your favorite bars, the restaurant you like to go to when celebrating something, the ice cream shop you pass when walking down the street. What do they all have in common? Guaranteed, they all have an “A” grade. Now ask yourself another question. If you were to pass a restaurant on the street that looked amazing but its window displayed a “B”, would you be as willing to give it your money? This same thought process that you go through when selecting where to give your business, is what your potential customers go through on a daily basis. If you were to drop from an “A” to a “B”, you are guaranteed to lose a significant chunk of your revenue. This loss in revenue can mean the end of your business entirely.

MyFieldAudits Can Help You Retain the “A”

No one wants their restaurant to lose revenue due to a lackluster health inspection. Once starting down the path of poor health inspections, it is hard to correct the spiral. With MyFieldAudits’ standardized health inspection forms, you can ensure that you are maintaining your restaurant’s health consistently. That means no more stress and no more playing catch up. You will retain your good standing and avoid losing customers. These standardized electronic forms are easily completed and accessible to managers through our mobile app, enabling real time access to restaurant safety across the board. To learn more about MyFieldAudits and how we can help you retain your “A”, contact us today at