Bridge Senior Living

Bridge Senior Living

MyFieldAudits & Bridge Senior Living: Do you see what I see? Critical Photo Audits in action.

Managing a top-quality Food & Beverage program across 31 Senior Living Facilities is no easy task. See how the team at Bridge Senior Living utilized Critical Photo Audits on MyFieldAudits to deliver safe, fresh food while maximizing their teams.

Quality Food

“With our new audit tool we have increased compliance, ensured accuracy and compare teams utilizing the attached photographs. This has drastically reduced my audit workload by giving teams the opportunity to complete themselves. These audits also reduce travel costs!”

Randy Watkins
VP Dining Services, Bridge Senior Living



5 hours

A month per community
Avg. Auditing Hours Saved


Critical Monthly Checkpoints

Critical Photo Checks

No stranger to ensuring Standards, Sanitation, & Safety were cornerstones of their dining program, Randy Watkins (VP of Dining, Bridge Senior Living) already had a successful inspection strategy in place and a team that was committed to delivering. But he started to notice a few gaps in their approach. For one, traditional inspections can be very time-consuming – time that has only become more limited by a global pandemic and staff shortages. “We were struggling with teams completing self-audits. As our portfolio grows it becomes difficult to spend time in-person to complete audits at all locations. For individuals who would complete audits, it was difficult to verify accuracy without being there in person,” according to Randy.

Enter Critical Photos Checks on MyFieldAudits – an effective inspection program that’s brought greater visibility, coaching, and efficiency to the Bridge Dining program.

A Photo’s Worth 1,000 Words…

MyFieldAudits is always looking for new ways to help its partners utilize their new functionality. With the release of their new Summary Report (a way to cross-compare standards across properties), they saw a way to help Randy and his team reduce the amount of time spent inspecting while providing greater insight into critical items for that month. The approach was simple:

Full Report

Critical Photo Check

  1. Each month, a set of 3 Critical Standards are sent to the onsite teams
  2. Each Standard required a set of specific photos to ensure accuracy
  3. Results flow into the Summary Report, enabling easy Side by Side Comparison of Communities


With the first months’ roll-out, Randy and his team saw immediate value:

“The photo audit was purposely created to be a quick 3 question audit with photographs and the teams truly appreciate that we are considerate of their time. Because of this, we have seen great compliance from a self-audit perspective! The teams also find the audit tool itself easy to use and understand. Being able to complete these audits from a mobile device saves time and energy.”

“This audit tool gives us a snapshot in time of areas we identify as critical. These critical indicators could be compliance, guest satisfaction, or safety-related issues and we can see our entire portfolio immediately after the teams complete. It has been amazing insight with great results!”
Randy Watkins, VP of Dining
Bridge Senior Living

Along with increased compliance, the format drastically changed the way they reviewed data and worked as a team. Previous results were segmented by Community, meaning Randy and his team would look at each inspection individually.

“After reviewing the findings on the summary report, we work with the teams to increase effectiveness and efficiency based on the information they provide. The benefit of having multiple teams completing the same audit is we can show them best practices from their peers.” according to Randy.

Christmas was a particularly impactful time, as the December Critical Check focused on ensuring Holiday Spirit rand out in the dining rooms – allowing teams from different communities to see the work of their peers, draw inspiration, and deliver more to residents.

Photo Checkpoints

What’s Next…

Along with his own reduced workload, Randy has been able to lessen the amount of time his team spends doing traditional inspections – focusing more on critical items, coaching, and delivering quality. With Video Capture releasing Q1 of 2022 on the MyFieldAudits platform, Randy intends to expand the program to include video in order to gain even greater visibility into his dispersed operations and support his team in delivering safe, quality, flavorful food service to their residents.